Tuesday 15 October 2024

Resurrection and Life

Victory of love

Poured out in you 

The power of the cross

Everything that is true

Strength of goodness 

Eternally renew

Conquering death forever 

“I am the resurrection and the life”

Saturday 12 October 2024

East from West

No boundaries 

A place of restoration 

A river in dry places 

Sacred fixation 

Crowned with power

Tangible salvation 

Lost in the presence of love

“As far as east is from west, you have removed my sins from me”

Thursday 10 October 2024


Fragrance of love

Allures me into you 

Abiding grace, pure faith

The beauty of all that is true

Covered in glory 

Delight in all that you do

Gaze into your loving eyes

“Christ is a sweet perfume to everyone”

Sunday 6 October 2024


 My heart is united into you

Filled with your fullness

Blessed with your goodness

Captured by your kindness

Enriched by your graciousness

Now made forever one.

Saturday 5 October 2024


Radiant love

Passionate fire

Divine kiss

Pure desire

Infinite bliss

Found in your embrace

"In your presence is fullness of  joy"

Friday 4 October 2024


Rhythms of kindness

Thundering deep inside

Renewing this oasis

Your powerful life-giving tide

Floods of your goodness

My eternal guide

Alive in your grace

"The life-giving fountain belongs to you"

Thursday 3 October 2024

Beginning to End

 Overwhelming assurance

From beginning to the end

Eternal redemption

In you I comprehend

All my sins forgiven

On your grace I depend

I am yours forevermore

"Exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ask or think"

Wednesday 2 October 2024


Call my name

You gently come near

In the place of stillness

You kiss every tear

Where light and breath

Tenderly appear

You kindle the love of heaven

“Do not be afraid for I am with you”


 Tapestry of forgiveness

A redeeming crimson kiss

Drown in the moment

In intoxicated bliss

Releasing tears of mercy

Every doubt you dismiss

In a manuscript of love

“Loved with an everlasting love”

Tuesday 1 October 2024

River of Life

Ruby crimson rivulets

White crystal streams

Air soft with feathers

Shards of golden beams

Carrying every hope

Floating sifting dreams

Immersed in heavens love

“The river of life, flowing from the throne room of God”

All in All

You are our song of praise

in a symphony of adoration

You are our word of hope

in a treasure of transformation

You are our flame of love

in a furnace of acclamation

You are our all in all

“In You all things exist”