Thursday 31 October 2013


The sky with its colours of light and dark
As shadows on the road of silver rain
A step ahead to my destination.

Faith is the comfort planted in my soul
The breath of sweet air and the flame that burns
inside and provided in that moment.

Melted the stubborn fear that locks my heart
Eternal words ignite the certain hope
And through the long wilderness towards rest.

Grant to me the everlasting healing
The breath of love poured out in crimson wine
That all is well and I am kept, forever.


Written for Poetry Jam

Friday 25 October 2013


Evening crimson sun
precious divine treasure
the promise of Christ.

(From Psalm 97:6)

Thursday 24 October 2013


Light and dark divide
separate destinction made
Lord gave us this day.

(From Genesis 1:5)

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Earthen Vessel

Earthen vessel crack
cloud the gloom inbred my soul
Your gracious new dawn

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Crimson Words

All it takes
For the foundation of acceptance
Harmonized with zeal.

Christ’s great treasure
Purified glory

By grace
The colour of mercy
Written in crimson words

The zeal to love others
With infinite passion

Drops of compassion
Life transforming treasure

Surprised by depth of forgiveness

Is all it takes.

Monday 21 October 2013


Scent of hearts hatred
breeze mixed deaths violent odor
crimson white fragrance

(From Romans 7:24)

Sunday 20 October 2013


Ash and skins veneer
your flames cross the shappire sky
once burnt scorched canvas

(From Isaiah 60:1)

Friday 18 October 2013

A Crimson Tree

This was the picture
Of a beautiful union
Loves display
From beyond time
Past distance stars
Of glorious galaxies
To each other
To eternity
To love
For release

This was the picture
Of sacrifice
Loves declaration
Crimson tree
Where mystery cried
In nails
In tears
For love

This was the picture
Of intimate union
Loves desire
Interwoven in flesh
Born in the spirit
For each other.

Monday 14 October 2013

Crimson Ransom

A new creation raised with him
In your love now I live
No longer held in sins snare
Open to your fullness ever aware

Christ sustained
Christ inhabited
Christ strengthened
Christ centered

Trusting Christ moment by moment
Living in the crimson ransom
This powerful union enabling me
Imparting all I need to be.

Wednesday 9 October 2013


The rain turns to sleet
With words of faint hope
The harsh granite sky
With a thousand cries

I watch from the dark doorway
I now see it disappear
So mauve and dark blue
Certain of the storm

I came here in cold winter
I climbed the white marble steps
Hoping I would find
All that time has held.

The days of past bloom
With hopes now fashioned
Heals the seasons chill
As I step forward.

The fragile hope in my hand
With love now finally found
The awakening of truth
With the colour of your grace.

Written for Poetry Jam

Sunday 6 October 2013


I sit here and wait
My bruised and battered heart
Tells tales more fearful
As hungry seconds slowly pass
In frightful moments
I didn't fall.

Essence of life
Truth is dying before my eyes
What am I to do?
 Love greets me as a stranger
Conspires with me to escape
Gracious, each time.

No memory stays
A Teflon heart wasted away
Come to me and gaze
Move over time, dance on the surface
Find me racked with guilt
Come for me, now.

Written for the Mag - 189

Thursday 3 October 2013


Do I dare follow?
Why is it so hard?
Living with lies
Carrying the wounds.
I tell you the truth
As I stumble on
To a deeper life.
With the quiet whispers
Assailing my mind,
The call is clear,
The trumpet sound
And now this realization
I haven’t arrived,. but I’ve left.

I haven’t arrived, but I’ve left
And now this realization
As the trumpet sound.
The call is clear
Assailing my mind
With quiet whispers
To a deeper life.
As I stumble on,
I tell you the truth,
Carrying the wounds,
Living with lies
Why is it so hard?
Do I dare follow?

Written for Poetry Jam and Poets United